Lesser-Known Roadside Attractions
A coloring book co-authored and co-doodled with Daniel Wallace (no known relation, though I’d claim him). Featured at a pop-up night of cocktails and coloring at Lantern Restaurant.
Mostly praise for Roadside Attractions
“This is the coloring book I never knew I needed. Maybe I didn’t need it.”
—Kyle P., Huntington, WV
“Roadside Attractions made me think about leaving my house. I haven’t yet.”
—Ashley M., Sneads, FL
“This book changed my wife.”
—Jack R., Gnawbone, IN
“Two Wallaces too many.”
—Kevin T., a walleye fish
O Moldy Night
A pop-up museum of gelatinous and molded foods hosted at the Durham Hotel. Organized and co-curated by Emily Wallace, Kate Medley, and Kate Elia, and including 40 chefs, home cooks, grandmas, and artists. Featured in the Bitter Southerner and on Milk Street Radio. Food photos by Kate Medley.

Eudora Welty Portrait Reader
A zine and exhibition in homage to writer and artist Eudora Welty. Co-curated and organized by Emily Wallace, Brooke Hatfield, and Kate Medley, featuring artists and writers. Exhibitions held at the Eudora Welty Museum (Jackson, MS) and Goat Arts Farm Center (Atlanta, GA). View and read more online at the Bitter Southerner.